Sandipani Vidyalaya



Sandipani Vidyalaya envisions to shape the intellect of young learners through a triple flowering of their body, mind & soul for nation building to make the world a better place to live forever


  • To participate in nation building by creating future leaders of the society through education as a social tool for transformation
  • To provide meaningful & value based school education with in-built quality assurance
  • To engage in creative pedagogy that results in all-round development of the teacher & the taught
  • To build state of the art teaching-learning infrastructure to enrich the socio-economic capital of various stakeholders
  • To develop a sense of intellectual enrichment driven by values, morals, nationalism & good conscience
  • To create enlightened individuals who become good citizens, family member and members of a contributing community

Message from the Chairman

"Gnanam Param Balam"- Knowledge is the Supreme power

"Sarvathra Vidyaya Vardhathe Praja" – Enriching people through education

The greatest investment that a nation can make in its present and its future is good education; the greatest asset that parents can give their children is good education.

Believing in the above tenets and with the benign blessings of the Gurus the SASTRA Trust aspired to focus their engagement in the area of school education too which resonates with the clarion call of the Government to achieve the national goal of education for all through the formation of the SANDIPANI VIDYALAYA.

Our endeavour would be to provide quality education at an affordable cost and the thrust of the school would not only be on academic excellence but equally on all-round development of students through different activities both on curricular and co-curricular fronts. The education given would be rooted to the country’s tradition and culture. We would also like to invest in training the teachers so that they excel in their profession and are role models. To achieve the above ends, state-of-the-art technology-supported infrastructure would be made available. It is hoped that every student joining the Sandipani Vidyalaya will evolve as a good member of the society and contribute richly to the world at large.